Thursday, September 16, 2010

Western Washington U. ~ Coffee Review

Back to School ~ Its been a quick summer of doing a lot of different things but almost nothing is more important than sitting down to a great cup of coffee and a quiet time. I love my 12oz - Extra Hot - Vanilla Latte. I really don't drink drip coffee but I'm starting to experiment with cold brewed and/or French Press coffee as my tastes expand as well as my expectations. So, as an admitted Coffee Connoisseur, I am going to review some coffee places in and around Bellingham (and the Puget Sound) that might be of interest to you if you enjoy a good cup of joe every now and then.

Did you know that Bellingham ranks #4 nationally in number of coffee shops per 10,000 people (per capita) in the United States? True story - Here is the Link that tells you how Bellingham fares in the battle of coffee shops in the U.S. Anchorage comes in as #1 per capita in the U.S. Really, Anchorage?

Anyway ~ with the luxury of Bellingham being in the Top 4 I have decided to visit and review the best coffee joints in the city. Today I will let you know of a little shop in the downtown area called, "The Black Drop." The BD is an employee owned cooperative that embodies the spirit of Bellingham while keeping the integrity of what makes a great coffee shop. The Barista/Owners (Johnathan, Steph, and Katy) are the three owners that you see brewing your coffee, making latte art, grinding your beans, making change, and engaging in conversation. You won't find any grumpy baristas in this place like you might find in the Seattle area. The espresso blend that they brew has a darker complexity with a sweet finish that really is done with excellence and pulled with integrity. (No 7 second shots here). The coffee they sell is roasted from Maniac Roasting (former owners of The Black Drop) and is some of the best locally roasted beans around. Here are my ratings (1 - 5 with 5 being the best and 1 the worst) for The Black Drop:

Location - 5 (Downtown is the place to be...)
Parking - 2 (Don't blame the BD its not their fault)
Ambience - 4 (Friendly, and totally eclectic, Bellinghamy, and perfect)
Espresso - 4 (I ordered a Dopio for here ~ sweet and smooth)
Latte's - 4.5 (The latte art is amazing and it tastes great. I haven't tasted a five)
Comfort - 3 (There isn't room for more couches or soft chairs ~ but I wish there was...)
Consisent Bar Work - 4 (every so often someone is pulling shots that doesn't have the experience)
Study-Ability - 3.5 (stay away between 7:30 - 9:30 as it gets pretty busy)
WiFi - 3 (its not fast and its not consistent ~ but their working on it)

Overall its a great place to enjoy amazing coffee, made well, pulled right, stretched perfectly, and served with some style. Its a favorite spot of mine in the downtown area...besides the fact that its not coroporate in the slightest (and that's a good thing.)

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